23 Awesome Things From ‘The LEGO Movie’ You (Probably) Didn’t Know

The LEGO Movie Teaser Trailer Screenshot Chris Pratt

Did you know screenwriter/director’s Chris Miller and Phil Lord have their own LEGO characters? In celebration of The LEGO Movie releasing tomorrow on Blu-Ray and DVD, I thought I could share some awesome tidbits from one of the best animated movies of the year. See what kind of fun facts you (probably) may have not known about The LEGO Movie after the break. 


1. President Business’s helmet horns are made of LEGO coffee cups.

2. When Emmet wakes up in the present timeline, we are eight and a half after the prologue because Finn the kid is that age.

The LEGO Movie Finn and Dad Real World

3. Two posters are hanging in Emmet’s home that are of the faux LEGO movies “Macho and the Nerd,” which was the Russian title for 21 Jump Street, which Lord and Miller wrote and directed.

The LEGO Movie 21 Jump Street Poster

4. Every LEGO piece you see in the movie is an actual piece made in real life, except for the hair pieces for the main characters and Abraham Lincoln.

5. There are a handful of scenes that are actual LEGO pieces, but mostly the title cards.

The LEGO Movie 5 Hours Later

6. Jo-Li sings the version of “Everything is Awesome” in the opening moments of the film, Tegan and Sara featuring The Lonely Island sing the version in the end credits.

7. Dave Franco (21 Jump Street), Jake Johsnon (New Girl), Keegan-Michael Key (Key & Peele), and Jorma Taccone (The Lonely Island) helped provide a few lines of dialogue for the construction workers. Will Forte voiced Abraham Lincoln.

The LEGO Movie Construction Workers

8. Instead of recording all of Bad Cop’s lines and all of Good Cop’s lines separately because of the wildly different voices, Liam Neeson alternated between the two in real time.

9. The assistant editor, Doug Nicholas, voiced the character of Surfer Dave, and co-director Chris McKay (Robot Chicken) voiced Larry the Barrista.

The LEGO Movie Surfer Dave

10. “Darn, darn, darn, darny, darn” is a line improvised by Liam Neeson.

bad cop the lego movie

 Continue Reading to see tidbits #11-23

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