2012 Black Friday Deals – Target

2012 Black Friday Deals Target

Anyone looking to capitalize on deals even earlier this year will be embraced by the loving red and khaki arms of Target. Forget spending the holidays with your family, indoors, enjoying delicious turkey and mashed potatoes, Target is opening their doors at 9pm on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 22. See the multitude of their Black Friday deals after the break. Continue reading

2012 Black Friday Deals – Best Buy

2012 Black Friday Deals Best Buy

‘Tis the season, once again, to prepare your wallets for Black Friday on November 23. In an effort to prove who has the larger cojones, retail outlets and online stores are announcing their Black Friday sales prices early this year. Previous years we have had to scour the Internet hoping to find leaked ad flyers, but not this year. Retailers are more generous than ever, so we might as well embrace it with open arms! After the jump take a look at the Black Friday deals at Best Buy. Continue reading

The 2010 Brandcameo Award Winners

Who knew that a little thing like Reeses Pieces could spark a cultural complexity and annoyance such as product placement. Being a geek of both arts, advertising and film, I wonder to myself, how have I never heard of these awards? Well your guess is as good as mine. But moving forward… the Brandchannel has furiously tabulated product placement for over the past decade. Each year they honor the good, the bad, and the ugly of product placement in films. To see who the big winners are, find out after the break!

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Apple Has Announced Their iPad! The Future is Now?!

Well it is finally here, the new Apple Tablet everyone has been talking about and just waiting for them to officially announce has finally come upon us. The Apple iPad is the newest gem in the sea of ridiculous technology Apple has brought to us. This iPad is basically a gigantic iPhone with higher quality display, a giant keyboard, and a book store like the kindle. On the Apple site, they claim to have over 140,000 applications at your disposal to cram into your pad. The iPad is definitely more advanced than the the iPhone; it is practically the inbetween of the iPhone and MacBook. It has programs such as Safari, KeyNote, Pages, and Numbers. It is pretty cool, but will the hype last? I mean it is cool, but with the portability of the iPhone and capacity and more options the Apple laptops have, is there really a need to have the iPad other than to show off that you are “hip” with the age? Continue reading